- She is slitting a man 's throat. 她正在割一个男人的喉咙。
- Don' t trust your opinions down other people' s throat. 不要勉强使人接受你的意见。
- There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrush's throat. (那只画眉鸟的颈前就长着三万根羽毛。)
- There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrush’s throat. 那只画眉鸟的颈前就长着三万根羽毛。
- The gazelle is one of the swiftest and most graceful of animals. 瞪羚是最敏捷最优雅的动物之一。
- A wire snare inflicted a bad wound on this cheetah’s throat which was removed with pliers. 当我们用钳子将铁丝网移开时,铁丝在这头印度豹的喉咙上造成了一个严重的伤口。
- The device test tests material collected from a quick swall swab of person's flua person’s throat. 这种设备是通过棉签快速收集被检者的喉咙的分泌物来进行检测。
- The virus attacked John’s throat , which becameinflamed , resulting in laryngitis , until the immunesystem succeeded in dest roying the infection. 病毒侵袭了约翰的喉,红肿了,患了喉炎;免疫系统驱除了感染后才康复。
- Indeed, as the gazelle and the deer are eaten, so you may eat it; the unclean and the clean may eat it alike. 22你吃那肉,要像吃羚羊与鹿一般;不洁净的人和洁净的人,一样可以吃。
- It may be used for food in your houses: the unclean and the clean may take of it, as of the gazelle and the roe. 可以在你城里吃。洁净人与不洁净人都可以吃,就如吃羚羊与鹿一般。
- It will be your food, like the gazelle and the roe; the unclean and the clean may take of it. 你吃那肉,要像吃羚羊与鹿一般;无论洁净人不洁净人都可以吃。
- A newborn abducted after her mother\'s throat was slashed was found alive Tuesday in excellent condition, and a woman who had recently miscarried was arrested, officials said. 警方官员表示,前些天被绑架的婴儿在星期二被成功营救,毫发无损。她的母亲在她被抢走时喉咙被割伤。以致最近刚刚流产的妇女因此被逮捕。
- One would have to pray that the fundamentalist doesn’t open the Bible and hit the page in which Abraham is willing to obey God and slit his son’s throat. 不可知论者将祈求信奉正统派基督教的人不要打开圣经,和想要撕掉亚伯拉罕服从上帝的命令去切开他儿子喉咙的那一页。
- In Africa, the gazelle wakes up every morning, he knew to be the fastest lion Pao Debi faster, otherwise you will be eaten. 在非洲,瞪羚每天早上醒来时,他知道自己必须跑得比最快的狮子还快,否则就会被吃掉。
- Still,you can just see how powerful she is. Okay, she's decided the easy option. You scale up ahead and pull the gazelle out behind her. 然而,你能看到她有多强大。好的,她决定选择轻松的选项。你抬高头并将瞪羚拖在身后。
- I have somehow get the bone lodge in my throat. 我不知怎么把骨头卡在喉咙里了。
- Objective:To observe the change rule of exogenous high fever(Wind-Hot Card)patients s throat microhabitat change rule and microecology function mechanism on the Chinese native medicine treatment. 目的观察外感高热风热证患者咽部微生境变化规律及中药治疗本证的微生态学作用机制。
- However, you may slaughter and eat meat within any of your gates, whatever you desire, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you; the unclean and the clean may eat of it, as of the gazelle and the deer. 申12:15然而在你各城里、可以照耶和华你神所赐你的福分、心所欲宰牲吃肉、论洁净人、洁净人、可以吃、如吃羚羊与鹿一般。
- Under the greenwood treewho loves to lie with me,and tune his merry note untothe sweet bird’s throat,come hitcher, come hitcher, come hitcher, here shall he see no enemybut winter and rough weather. 这原本是一句好话,但听在热恋的女人耳里,却很容易曲解成她对爱情的付出太多,男人因此而感觉到压力,等同于男人在责备她:"管好你自己的事吧!
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。